The NanoVision ability of smart systems related to archiving maps and documents are:
- (designing) smart systems of archiving documents and controlling the locations and traffics of documents in filing them
- Smart system of map chamber and quick access to maps with security considerations
- Made the above two smart systems communicated with each other
Smart system of controlling locations and traffics in archiving documents is capable of doing the below tasks by using the new technologies of modern world:
- Protecting physical documents and maps from the danger of stealing and relocating
- Make the archive location safety from archive
- Moving documents and maps by using LED systems
- Avoid going out of documents and maps from archive and send text messages if it happens illegally
- Avoid putting maps and documents in archive incorrectly
- Identifying people who takes out documents and maps from archive
- Reporting borrowed documents and maps and alarming to return them in specified times via text messages.
- Establish a relationship amongst the map sheets with their property documents and setting the physical places of related documents in smart archiving
- Online statistics of existing documents or maps in or out of archives
- Harmony in layouts of all maps in files designed by NanVision and making them available in format of a smart system
- All of the controlling boards, software, databases and Pumer engine drivers (With automatic board) and … are completely native and their design and implementation are done by NanoVision experts and there is no worries to change or develop the archives.
The smart systems mentioned above are implemented in Municipality of Tehran in 2013 and in Municipality of Mashhad in 2017.